Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Modelling part two Boolean operators

for this exercise, i will use one 3D shape to ‘cut out’ and ‘ mold’ another shape. to start the exercise, i used the create tool to make two objects. a rectangle and a cylinder. i will use the cylinder to cut a hole through the rectangle.
I started by placing the objects in the position which i wanted to make the cut. from there i selected the compound objects of the rectangle and the i clicked on the Boolean tool. I have a screen shot of the positioned shapes.

I then used the pick operand B button. When i selected the cylinder, the result was the shape was cut through the rectangle. I have pasted a screen shot of the work, below.

As you can see from the screen shot, i managed to cut a clean even hole through the middle of the rectangle using boolean.

There are a lot of Boolean functions that can be used for cutting and making shapes like union, intersection, subtraction (a-b), subtraction (b-a). These can all be used in different scenarios to create differnt shapes.

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