Friday, 2 November 2012

Model 2

For the second model, I decided to create a popular robot from star wars. i have attached a picture of the original model from the film.

To start the build, I started by creating the top part of the robot. I used the sphere tool in the command panel to draw a sphere and the i used one of the tools in modify to reduce the hemisphere. after this i was left with a dome like shape. I have taken a screen shot of the top part of the sphere.

The next step was to create the body part of the project after naming the dome. I decided to create a cylinder for the body and cut it in half. this is the easiest way of producing a model with out using up too much time and effort. i started off by using the extrude tool to extend the body outwards to create the shoulder/arms of the project.after i had created the arms i then extended them downwards to make the foot like base. for this i used the bevel too as it created the right look. I then wen on to add another beveled edge for the arms to simulate the design on the original.
the screen shot below shows the body of the robot.

The next step of the design process was to mirror the left side of the body in order to create the other half.
I used the instance option in order to mirror any changes i do decide to make to  the project. the result was a
torso and arms of the robot. i have taken a screen shot below to show this.

The last part of the project, was to create a foot as seen in the original design. to do this, i used a rectangle,w his i split into polygons of 3*3*1. i the selected the center polygon on the top and used the modifier tool to elevate it to a a higher level than the others. this created a the boot like effect you can see below.

After building the foot for the robot, i decided to finish off reducing the number of polygons, where possible. the dome have a lot of redundant polygon, so i reduced them from, 32 to 16. this only affected the quality of the build slightly as it still maintained its dome shape. If i took out any more polygons, there would be clear edges visible as a pose to the intended smooth round surface.

In overall  i was satisfied with the final model, as it closely resembles what i set out to recreate  i had a problem arranging the polygons at the bottom of the project because I had to manually create the curve. I did try and make use of the tools available but i couldn't get them to shape the bottom like i wanted so i ended up doing it manually.

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